Important Note: As of the JavaFX SDK Preview, this article is technically outdated. Please see the Using the Java Deployment Toolkit with JavaFX Applets article for an updated example of creating and deploying JavaFX Applets.
In the previous post, I showed you one of the two ways that the JavaFX Script compiler team has provided for creating compiled JavaFX Script applets. Today's example program demonstrates the second of these ways, by converting the Binding to a Function example into a compiled JavaFX Script applet. Here's a screenshot of the JavaFX Script applet, running in Firefox 3:
This method of creating a compiled JavaFX Script applet is more "JavaFX-like" than the method that I showed you in the previous post. Using this approach, we:
- Declaratively express the JavaFX applet using the Applet object as the top level (see BindToFunctionApplet2.fx below).
- Assign javafx.ui.Applet to the code attribute of the applet element in the HTML file (see BindToFunctionAppletPage2.html below).
- Specify an AppletClass parameter with the name of the class in which the applet is expressed (in this case BindToFunctionApplet2, see the HTML file below).
Also, this approach requires that the applet be signed, so in this post I'm going to walk you through the process of creating a JAR file that contains the applet classes, and signing each of the JAR files.
Compare the following code with the Binding to a Function example, the major difference being the absence of the Frame object. It isn't required since the applet provides its own UI container.
* BindToFunctionApplet2.fx - A compiled JavaFX program that demonstrates
* a "JavaFX-like" way of creating compiled JavaFX applets.
* It also demonstrates binding to a function.
* Developed 2008 by James L. Weaver (jim.weaver at
* to serve as a JavaFX Script example.
import javafx.ui.*;
import javafx.ui.canvas.*;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.lang.System;
class CircleModel {
attribute diameter:Number;
function getArea():Number {
Math.PI * Math.pow(diameter / 2, 2);
Applet {
var cModel = CircleModel {}
BorderPanel {
Canvas {
content: [
Circle {
cx: 240
cy: 250
radius: bind cModel.diameter * 2
stroke: Color.PURPLE
strokeWidth: 1
fill: Color.MAGENTA
Text {
Font {
face: FontFace.SANSSERIF
style: FontStyle.BOLD
size: 24
x: 20
y: 10
stroke: Color.RED
fill: Color.RED
content: bind "Diameter: {cModel.diameter}"
Text {
Font {
face: FontFace.SANSSERIF
style: FontStyle.BOLD
size: 24
x: 240
y: 10
stroke: Color.RED
fill: Color.RED
content: bind "Area: {%3.2f cModel.getArea()}"
Slider {
min: 0
max: 100
TitledBorder {
title: "Diameter:"
value: bind cModel.diameter with inverse
minorTickSpacing: 5
majorTickSpacing: 10
paintTicks: true
paintLabels: true
labels: [
SliderLabel {
value: 0
SimpleLabel {
text: "0"
SliderLabel {
value: 50
SimpleLabel {
text: "50"
SliderLabel {
value: 100
SimpleLabel {
text: "100"
Supplying an HTML File to Run the Applet
Here is the HTML file (that I've named BindToFunctionAppletPage2.html) that runs the applet:
You'll need to put the JAR files (shown in the archive tag above) in the same directory as the HTML file. You can get these files from the compiler download in the dist/lib directory. To compile this applet, I used the -target parameter so that it will run within browsers that have JRE 5 or later:
javafxc -target 1.5 BindToFunctionApplet2.fx
As I mentioned previously, you'll need to create a JAR file that contains the class files for this applet. To do this, I used the following command at my operating system prompt:
jar cvf BindToFunctionApplet2.jar BindToFunctionApplet2*.class
You'll also need to sign the JAR file that contains the applet classes, as well as the javafxrt.jar and Scenario.jar files. To do this, you'll need a signature key, which you can create with the following command:
keytool -genkey -alias jfx -dname "CN=John Doe, O=JFX Inc." (continued on next line)
-validity 9999 -keystore jfx.keystore -keypass keyPassword -storepass storePassword
Use the following commands to sign the JAR files:
jarsigner -keystore jfx.keystore -verbose -keypass keyPassword (continued on next line)
-storepass storePassword BindToFunctionApplet2.jar jfx
jarsigner -keystore jfx.keystore -verbose -keypass keyPassword (continued on next line)
-storepass storePassword javafxrt.jar jfx
jarsigner -keystore jfx.keystore -verbose -keypass keyPassword (continued on next line)
-storepass storePassword Scenario.jar jfx
To execute this compiled JavaFX Script applet, either open the BindToFunctionAppletPage2.html file in a browser, or use appletviewer as shown below:
appletviewer BindToFunctionAppletPage2.html
Enjoy, and please post a comment if you have any questions!
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